Sunday 10 March 2019


Dear God,
I do not want to be lonely
That was my prayer the whole of last week
I was lonely at work
I was lonely at home
I felt alone
And at some point I felt abandoned by people and God
It was hard
I wrote this prayer in my bedroom blackboard praying that God would hear me from the depths of my soul
It was a cry
It was a heart cry
And somehow I got through that week
My friend who I call a God-connection encouraged me to blog about it today
After receiving a precious call from her today
And honestly its hard
Its hard writing this
The distractions are many but God has graced me
What if I could not have gotten out of my lonely moment or snapped out of it
Considering I also happened to fall ill at the same time by getting a flu
What if the loneliness could have spiralled out of control and became depression?
What would I be now?
Maybe struggling with suicidal thoughts
Which to be honest I have struggled with in the past
But God brought me out
I do not know how
But He did
And one of the ways He used to bring me out of it is through my mom's birthday because we gathered together as a family and it felt good
One of my friends who had been sharing with my frustrations had not been responding to my WhatsApp messages
And she is expectant
I was trying my best to understand that she might be going through something herself but in that moment of thinking about all that I got an idea!
I call it a God idea to blog about my experience with loneliness and the current season I am but as fast as that thought came was as fast as it ended
Another voice told be no!no you cannot blog Jacque,you do not even have a laptop of your own and so many excuses ran through my head.
But that precious call changed everything and here I am blogging about it hoping to encourage someone
Another friend encouraged me to write and this may not necessarily be a note of encouragement, its a blog post of encouragement that God can use my imperfect words to encourage someone today,even if its just one person.

Disclaimer! I will not be advertising this blog post but I will be working on my Instagram to see if I can share the link there. I am praying that God will help me open up to share my story. Pray for me as I pray for you.

My prayer is that God's love will be strong enough to meet us where we are and it is.

God's got this


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